5D Dimension Shift is already happening
The time is now, and you came here to be a part of it

What is 5D Ascension?

We have chosen to incarnate on Earth at unique times when the planet completes its 75 000-year cycle in the 3D dimension and enters the 5D dimension, with a short stop in the 4D dimension. Each day, planet Earth is raising its vibrations, resulting in a higher level of awareness and awakening in humans. Ascension processes began already in 2000, actively manifested in 2012, and became especially bright, turbulent, and transformational in 2020–2024.

Today, we are witnessing huge changes in the world. Our planet goes through a phase of cleansing. The global population is rapidly decreasing because of wars, natural disasters, and viruses, and it all happens for a reason. In terms of energy, the Earth is moving to a new vibrational level. Those incarnated souls who are not ready for the 5D shift will soon leave and return to a new Earth through new incarnations. Only thirty percent of the global population will remain on Earth by 2030, six years from now.

5D dimension shift is a long and powerful process. Previously, in this universe, it was only possible to get into the 5D dimension through death, but now many will have the opportunity for 5D ascension in their physical bodies.

Souls who are ready to move with the Earth into the 5th Dimension will have to go through intense transformations, both physically and mentally.

The 5D ascension process began around 2000 and has recently accelerated to such a degree that it is no longer possible to hide it from mankind.

Each day, planet Earth raises its vibrations, resulting in a higher level of awareness and awakening in humans.

From the soul perspective, everyone has already made a choice, final and irrevocable, in full awareness and as a manifestation of free will, following the choice of the soul. For the first time in this universe, humans are given a chance to move with the Earth into the Fifth Dimension in their physical bodies. If you are reading these lines now, then you might be one of them.

For many of us, the 5D dimension shift is already happening, and we already partly live in 5D vibration reality. Our consciousness grows, and the physical body is being transformed on the cellular level. DNA strands that were inactive or turned off are being unpacked and decoded.

Access to our superpowers is being restored: clairvoyance, clairsentinence, channeling, teleportation, weather management, levitation, the ability to change the past, 5D healing, etc.

Our physical bodies move from carbon to silicon and then to a crystalline, pure-luminous body with pure consciousness, in which we can easily move through portals to other galaxies. The decoding of all strands of DNA and the reprogramming of body cells also mean that our bodies will stop aging, learn to heal and rejuvenate themselves, and open access to longevity.

Time is accelerating and realities are separating more and more every day, and it becomes visible that some choose to stay in the dense reality of 3D  while others are already shifting into the high-vibration reality of 5D.

What is needed for a successful 5D Ascension?

The word Ascension comes from Latin, and it means “to climb.” 5D Ascension shift is impossible without reaching a certain level of spiritual awareness and consciousness where you become aware of your true self and realize that you control your reality.

It is not enough just to express an intention to ascend from 3D to 4D and then to 5D density. You have to fulfill a number of specific conditions and take specific steps along the way. You need to have a high level of awareness and spiritual development, a harmonious state, and the integrity of your energy bodies and soul. You also have to get rid of destructive blocking programs and contracts with the 3D matrix.

What steps shall be taken on a way
to a successful 5D Ascension?

You have to fulfill a number of specific conditions and take specific steps on your way to 5D reality

Get rid of anything that interferes
with the new 5D vibrations

Get rid of collective, ancestral, and personal programs, contracts, and karmic baggage from all earthly incarnations as well as incarnations in other civilizations. All karmic baggage that has been accumulated during thousands of years can be cleared in one incarnation in 5D transition time.


Gain what is necessary
for 5D transition

Get the missing knowledge and raise your consciousness level; gain access to your superpowers; harmonize female and male energies; open your heart; return and activate lost soul particles and DNA strands; strive for 100% wholeness of the soul and energy body and a high level of energy conductivity. .


Claim your power back and
become a conscious creator

Become a conscious creator. Connect with your essence and mission. Start using the power of your intention and your knowledge of energy management to create a new reality and achieve your goals.

What is the mission of
5D Vibration
Energy Healing & Ascension Coaching?

My mission is to contribute to your personal transformation in order to successfully integrate into a new reality—to be a guide, coach, and facilitator of your personal 5D ascension process, to be a catalyst of your awakening, spiritual development, personal growth, and evolution during this turning period.

I provide practical assistance in problem solving and harmonizing any sphere of life: healing the physical body, healing the relationship “man-woman,”  “parents-children,”  deep work with generic programs, ancestral contracts and programs, contracts of the soul, removing blockages to the realization of your full potential and strength.

I also provide education in energy and self-healing practices.

Personal 5D Ascension


Energy Clearing Session

5D Ascension Coaching Session

Astrology Session


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