How to clear negative energy and raise your vibrations🌟

Here are some ways to stop energetic attacks, clear negative energy and entities and raise your vibrations:

  1. ✔Establish a connection with your higher self outside of the 3rd dimensional matrix overlay. You can also go beyond that and connect with your oversoul (monad) and Source. They are not actually separate, but each consciousness has answers and help that would be more appropriate for each layer of reality. For example, a Source frequency consciousness might not even think there is a problem here because it created everything, including the dark!
  2. ✔Assess your guidance team and ask your Higher self to release any guides that are not 100% of pure Source light. Replace with guides that have your highest and best interests in mind to assist you in exiting this negative matrix overlay.
  3. ✔State your sovereignty as a Source being and demand that anything that is not in your highest and best good and not of 100% pure Source light not be allowed to attack you, enter your auric field, attach to you, siphon your energy, enter your home, or cause overlays and illusions through trickery and self imposed sabotage. You can find the text of Declaration here
  4. ✔Ask for a clearing of all curses, spells, and energetic darts that may have been cast by other people.
  5. ✔Ask your guidance team to clear your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and etheric energy fields and imagine being engulfed in pure golden while light and love. Ask for clearing in all past, present, and future timelines and parallel Earths.
  6. ✔Clear your energy portals (chakras). Some people learn to shut these down and rely on the natural dantian points in the third eye, heart, and sacral areas. If you don’t shut the chakras down, you will need to clear them every day and unplug whatever is trying to continuously plug into them. Once you learn the difference in how you feel with having your chakras open and vulnerable vs. having them closed off, you can decide what works best for you in the future.
  7. ✔Ask for protection as you walk your path, and imagine a golden egg that surrounds your aura that allows love to exit and permeate but nothing negative or harmful to enter. If you want, you can add mirrors to the outside so that it reflects anything negative back to the sender.
  8. ✔Take salt baths. Connect with your guidance, ask the salt and water for clearing, and give gratitude. I like pink Himalayan sea salt best. If you only have a shower available, imagine the water as golden pure Source energy cascading down around you, cleansing and nurturing you.
  9. ✔Disconnect from negative people and relationships that no longer serve you. Gently cut energy cords and lovingly send them back to the origin. Have gratitude for all relationship experiences, for they all had a gift. Be mindful of your sexual partners and their vibrations or attachments.
  10. ✔Revoke all contracts that are no longer serving you.
  11. ✔Attend to your home’s energy, as your home is a reflection of what is inside of you. Burn sage with a mantra of intention that only those in 100% true Source light and love and with your highest and best intentions in mind be allowed to occupy your home (car, work, etc). Close down negative portals and cleanse the room by placing salt in the perimeter or corners and windows for 24 hours, then vacuum or sweep it up after 24 hours and discard it outside. Clean and dust your home, remove clutter and material things that weigh you down. Grow live plants inside and open the curtains and windows, allowing the fresh air and sunshine in. Play beautiful music, use singing bowls, chimes, and/or gongs.
  12. ✔Be aware and responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions, and realize that you attract what you put out. Remember that you are creating your local reality and that collectively we are creating the bigger reality, albeit a distorted one.
  13. ✔Visit an energy healer, hypnotherapist. You may want to have an implant removal if you are guided, which includes technologies. However, raising your vibrational frequency renders all implants and technologies useless.
  14. ✔Wear shungite, onyx, or obsidian crystals that are cleared and programmed to provide protection to your auric field. Keep orgonite, selenite, quartz, and other clearing crystals around your home.
  15. ✔Refrain from alcohol, drugs, refined white sugar, cigarettes, and GMO foods, which all are engineered to cause addictions and auric field rips and tears.
  16. ✔Do your emotional self work. Often this is the one thing we avoid is looking at ourselves and who our ego thinks it is. This work involves consciously feeling into our wounded child or victim suppressed memories and allowing the emotions to surface so that they can be recognized. You can ask your guidance team to show you in meditation/contemplation the situations that caused the energy and let them take it from you as you place it in a bubble and send it away. You could also write down what you are feeling and burn it, or you can use methods such as the EFT tapping.
  17. ✔Assess how you are feeling each day. If you are depressed or ill, work on raising your vibrational frequency. There are many great articles and videos that can assist with the methods for doing this. Keep the energy moving in your body (light exercise etc.) and keep the energy in your home moving and clean.
  18. ✔Beware of people who are leading others into false light practices such as group meditations and false energy healings that actually create more attachments. Most often they do not know they are being used.

I hope that these practices will help you to raise your vibrational frequency.

In general you should be perfectly able to clear your energy by your self, using the above advice and power of your intention. However my experience shows, that some entities and implants can be hard to get rid of, as they are “based” on contracts, entered by your soul prior to incarnation on Earth. It is therefore necessary to revoke these contracts, which most often demands that you can recall the content of the contract first. You are welcome to contact me for advice and assistance in your clearing process.

Stay awake and conscious!

With Love and Light💗

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