Soul Contracts. Part 1.

What is a Soul Contract ?

We plan our lives prior to being born. We choose the lessons, experiences, and life events ahead of time.

We make agreements with both our guidance team on a subtle plane, and other souls, which agree to help us in reaching our goals of personal development and the evolvement of the soul, which is the most important reason for incarnation on Earth.

What is a soul contract ?

A soul contract is a non-physical agreement you enter on a soul level before you are born. You create this agreement with a team of non-physical benevolent beings including but not limited to your spirit guides, angels, higher dimension beings, etc. With this team, you decide the type of life you want to experience before you’re physically incarnated in human form. This cosmic team stays with you during your physical lifetime and is available and ready to guide you whenever you call on them for help.

This means that every person in our private circle of family members, friends, life partners is bound with us by soul contract, entered prior to birth. These agreements mutually benefit both souls, despite what it may seem. For example, a son and father can agree on a complicated relationship for this lifetime in order to achieve lessons such as compassion, patience, unconditional love etc. to be learned. And both parties always benefit from such agreements and roles.

Finally, a soul contract includes life events, experiences, and choices that you’ll make during your lifetime to learn lessons and evolve on a soul level. By the way, these preplanned events and periods can be revealed during astrological session with an experienced astrologer.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We get to choose the roles we play in each other’s lives and how we meet. You have a core group of people who have agreed to help you learn lessons. Your parents, romantic partners, and even significant relatives and friends make up this group. Very often you have a deep feeling that you know someone on another level after meeting them for the first time. That’s all part of the plan.

Specific people enter your life at different points to help in your ascension getting you closer to your soul’s purpose. You both choose ways that’ll help you remember each other in this lifetime. I’m sure you’ve felt synchronicities or “coincidences” before.

Why does this matter?

Learning about the theory of soul contracts matters because it offers a deeper understanding about your life on Earth and different perspective to your current life experiences.

When you realize that you have consciously chosen all the experiences you have had, you will feel empowered as there will be no place for “victim mentality”.

On of the most important “settings” we agree to when we incarnate on Earth, is total amnesia, meaning that we forget everything about who we are, what past lives experiences we bear with us, our soul’s talents, and the content of soul contracts we have entered prior to this incarnation.

Some soul contracts can seem unbearably hard from a human perspective, but they are very valuable from the soul’s perspective and our souls enjoy those hard life periods, because it is the only pass way up to the next level, evolvement, ascension.

With all this said, it is important to remember that Earth is a Free Will Zone and you can choose to take a different path at any point. You are not bound by a soul contract against your will even if you decided on it before being born. The purpose of some agreements is to fulfill a karmic cycle. Therefore, if you choose to break a contract you may choose to reincarnate with the same purpose, same group of souls, same lessons, in the next lifetime, until the task and lesson is fulfilled.

Remember that Life is happening for you NOT to you. You are a powerful being that is a part of Source. You have everything you need inside of you.


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